Nanoose Garden Club
Cultivating Vancouver Island Coastal Communities through Learning, Participating in Meetings, Workshops, Garden Tours and Outings as we Fertilize Friendships and Grow as Gardeners.
Annual membership fee: $20 - due in January.
Each month, the Club provides speakers or programs on subjects of garden interest. Members are encouraged to forward their views and ideas for potential speakers to any member of the Board.
During each meeting, there is time for socializing before the meeting begins and during the break. Refreshments (tea & coffee) are provided by the Club and cookies or cake are contributed by members on a volunteer, rotation basis. Please remember to bring your own mug.
At most meetings, a Members’ Table features plants or garden-related items for admiration. There is also a table of plants donated from members’ gardens that are for sale (proceeds help keep our club vibrant).
Each May, to assist with fundraising, the Club holds its yearly Plant Sale on the grounds outside Nanoose Library Hall. Members donate a variety of plants and seedlings they have propagated from their gardens.
In lieu of the July and August meetings, the Club holds its annual picnic and willing members open their gardens for other members to visit. In lieu of the December meeting, the Club has a Christmas social event.
Garden books and magazines can be borrowed from the Club’s library.
Membership cards provide a discount at many nurseries and garden centres in the area, except for discounted merchandise. When visiting local or out-of-town nurseries and garden centres, before you pay, enquire if they will give a discount. You will be asked to show your membership card in order to receive a discount.
Nanoose Garden Club provides many opportunities for interested members to volunteer within the Club and in the community.